Joint Aches & Pain

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a very important joint for our day-to-day activities. You use the shoulder to drive, to eat, to drink, some people sleep on their shoulders, and you even use the muscles in your shoulder when you type or write.

At CAM Clinic we treat a lot of shoulders. Here are some of the most common shoulder problems that we see:

Muscle Spasm
Impingement Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Bicipital Tendonitis
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Rotator Cuff Strain
Sick Scapula
Quadrangular Space Syndrome
Peripheral Neuropathy
Separated Shoulder
Post Surgery
Look Inside
TMJ Disorder
TMJ = Temporomandibular Joint (Jaw)

TMJD = Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (Pain in the Jaw joint)

TMJD can be successfully treated by Chiropractic care by careful examination of the biomechanical faults of the jaw. Only with a proper understanding of your jaw pain’s exact cause can it be treated.

CAM Clinic physicians are trained to diagnose the cause of your TMJ and to treat it quickly and effectively

Hip Pain

Everyone seems to have a different definition of what the hip is and where the hip is located anatomically.

Medically, the hip refers to the articulation of the head of the femur with the pelvis, the most proximal part of the leg. Usually, when a medical professional is referring to the hip, this is the joint they are eluding to. Pain in this region is typically due to myofasciitis, bursitis, or arthritis. At CAM Clinic, we will always do a thorough exam to rule out any riskier causes. Younger children should always have X-rays taken with pain in the hips due to the risk of osteonecrosis.

Laymen useof the word “hip,” setting aside cool youngsters braving odd hats and sun glasses, typically refers to the boney prominences in the low back on either side of the sacrum (the posterior superior iliac spines). These joints that patient’s refer to as their hips are actually called Sacro-Iliac Joints, or SI joints for short. Pain in this region is extremely common and may come and go on a days notice. However, prolonged pain in the SI joint may occur with arthritis, muscle spasms, subluxation, or trauma. Pain in the SI joint is one of the most common complaints treated by Chiropractors, and can usually be successfully managed in a short period of time. Once again, you need to be examined by a CAM Clinic doctor to rule out any other causes.

Joint Pain

The joints of the human body are complex mechanisms that allow individuals to do a wide variety of movements. However, the joints can become damaged by accident or disease, which can lead to chronic pain and loss of mobility. At the Center for Alternative Medicine in Pueblo, CO, we provide effective methods to reduce pain and improve movement.

Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Joint Discomfort
Chiropractic offers a non-surgical, drug-free method of managing joint discomfort with a variety of techniques that help to reduce strain on tender joints. Manual adjustment is used to re-align the spinal column, so muscles, tendons, and nerves can function naturally. Corrective exercises help to strengthen supporting muscles and improve range of motion. Laser therapy can be used to aid healing in soft tissues adjacent to the joints. Acupuncture can reduce pain symptoms. Nutritional counseling can also reduce many types of joint pain. Your Pueblo chiropractor can design a care program for your individual needs, to resolve discomfort and improve joint mobility.

Causes of Joint Pain
Joint pain can result from overuse while doing everyday tasks, accidents, from simple aging or from strenuous athletic activities. In some cases, degenerative diseases of the bones, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, can lead to chronic pain. Some systemic diseases, such as fibromyalgia, can also affect the joints. Injury from automobile accidents, sports injuries or work injuries, can also lead to chronic joint pain.

Knee Pain

Knee pain can be caused by tendon, ligament, mensical, or bone problems. Knee pain can be caused by hamstring, calf, quadriceps, peronii, adductor, as well as other muscle problems. Knee pain can be caused by biomechanical distortions caused by gait (the way a patient walks), bone structure (the way a patient was born), leg length discrepancies, and even problems in the spine. Knee pain can be caused by neuritis. Knee pain can be caused by arthritis. Knee pain can be caused by lymphadema. Knee pain can be caused by cancer. Knee pain can be caused by osteonecrosis of the hip. Knee pain can even be cased by THE WEATHER, as changes in the barometric pressure may change pressures in the knee capsule resulting in joint ache.

Needless to say, there are many causes of knee pain. Without expert examination it is impossible to tell what the cause of your knee pain is. Come into the CAM Clinic for an exam by one of our highly trained Doctors to find out the cause of your knee pain.

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