Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon (the structure that holds a muscle to the bone). Not to be confused with tendonosis (the degredation of the tendon). We treat most forms of tendonitis and tendonosis. Many times, true inflammation of the tendon is quite painful and may require treatment by your Medical Physician as well as Chiropractic Physician to be treated succesfully… But not always. It depends on the severity of your issue, and whether or not you have been appropriately diagnosed. Often times muscle pain may be associated with tendonosis/tendonitis, but you will never know for sure unless you are properly examined by a skilled Physician. At C.A.M. Clinic we treat:
Rotator Cuffs
“Calf” Muscles
Bicipital Tendonitis
Gluteal Muscles
Pectorals (Chest)
Neck Muscles
Throat and Face Muscles
Back Muscles
Pelvic Muscles
Look Inside
Bicipital Tendonitis
Bicipital tendonitis is very common and can be VERY painful. It is very easy to diagnose but can be very difficult to treat if you cannot rest from whatever activity is aggravating it. For this reason, it is very common that athletes resort to surgery to manage their pain, as their scholarships/jobs depend on their ability to perform. CAUTION: Surgery for the short head of the biceps tendon is usually TENODESIS, which removes the tendon and reattaches it elsewhere, rendering portions of the muscle useless. Tenodesis surgery is very effective at eliminating pain, however, CAM Clinic Doctors only suggest that you undergo this procedure if alternative therapies have failed.
If you suspect that you have bicipital tendonitis, avoid any motions that cause clicking or popping in the painful area and come into CAM Clinic to have a Doctor exam the shoulder.
Rotator Cuff Injuries
There are 4 rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder. Each aids the shoulder in motion and stability, allowing the shoulder to pivot, rotate, and move freely while being held inside the glenoid fossa. Overuse or traumatic injury to the rotator cuff can create biomechanical stress on the shoulder joint resulting in discomfort, loss of motion, and pain.
Tears of the rotator cuff muscles are very common. They are typically small in size and thus are not surgical injuries. Even in cases of large tears (greater than 1.5 cm), a surgeon will opt for the patient to undergo alternative (non-surgical) therapies due to the fact that there is no evidence that suggests that waiting for surgery effects the outcome or success of the surgery.
It is always best to manage rotator cuff injuries with conservative non-surgical therapies first, provided you aren’t a professional athlete or require high levels of shoulder function for your livelihood.
At CAM Clinic we have a vast array of treatment options to help with your rotator cuff injury. Our doctors have years of experience treating these injuries and have had great success in doing so. If you suspect that you have a rotator cuff injury, don’t waste any more time, come into the Center for Alternative Medicine and have one of our highly skilled doctors examine your shoulder.
Impingement Syndrome
Also called “Swimmers Shoulder,” is impingement of a rotator cuff tendon under the acromion process of the scapula in the shoulder. It can be quite painful.
Typically, treatments include ice, rest, physio therapy, electric modalities, NSAIDs, steroids, surgery, laser therapy, ART, and scapula retraining.
Achilles Pain
The achilles tendon resides on the posterior and distal portion of the leg. It is the tendon of the calf muscles, which inserts into the heel of the foot to allowing you to lift your heel off the ground and stand on your toes.
Pain in the achilles needs to be addressed immediately. The achilles is a very common site for tendon rupture. Typically, patients will recall hearing a loud “pop”, like a gun going off, if the achilles has ruptured. However, the overwhelming majority of achilles pain is caused by tendonitis or by tight structures.
Management of achilles pain at CAM Clinic is typically very successful. We incorporate a range of therapies aimed at lengthening the associated structures and reducing inflammation to get the best results.